DAS Stressresilienz-Training für Frauen in Ihrem Unternehmen
Often we feel separate, lonely, isolated from ourselves and the world. We have the nagging feeling that something inside us is not complete and we are desperately looking for this "something" on the outside. Thought patterns like "if the right partner finally comes along, then I'll be happy" or "if I finally have the right job, then I'll be happy" pull us down. They depress us and distract us from what is important.
We are missing "something", but we won't find it on the outside, but inside ourselves. Because what we are actually looking for all the time is the true connection to our core. We want to get back to ourselves, but we don't know how. I'll be happy to help you!

May your light shine!

Dissolve repetitive negative thought patterns and find your way back to yourself and your happiness.

Use the true power of your inner connection in your relationships, your job and the world.

Make your dreams come true! Everything is possible when you shine from within. The world needs you and your glow!

The connection to yourself is the central core topic of my work, because true power grows from your inner connection.
I, too, have been looking for "something" on the outside for a long time and have found it within myself in recent years. Magic happens when we reconnect - I've been in a happy relationship with myself, my partner ever since and have finally followed my calling. What I can do, you can too!
... you are at a work or relationship related or other turning point in your life
... you keep stumbling over the same conflicts in your life - whether in your relationship, in your job or in the relationship with yourself
... you lack the meaning in life and you often get the feeling "Was that it already or is there more to it?"
... your everyday life is exhausting you and you are accompanied by inner restlessness, discomfort, irritability and sleep disorders
4 Tagesworkshops vor Ort
2 Online Mentorings (Start und Abschluss)
Worksheets zwischen den Modulen
8.500, - €
für 10-15 Mitarbeiterinnen
(= ab 850,00 €/ pro Teilnehmerin)
Das intensive Training der einzelnen Module führt dazu, dass Ihre Mitarbeiterinnen das erarbeitete Wissen so verinnerlichen, dass sie es nach dem Trainingsprogramm auch alleine in ihrem Alltag umsetzen und es jederzeit abrufen können.
Optional biete ich auch 1 oder 2 tägige Workshops zu den Modulen vor Ort an. Sprechen Sie mich gerne dazu an und vereinbaren Sie einen Termin!