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Beziehungscoaching online und persönlich Berlin - Alia Barwig


We are looking for love in the
outside, but don't understand that we find it inside.

- Buddha

Believe me, ever calling myself a "relationship expert" is truly the greatest miracle for me! I created stress, arguments and conflicts in relationships for many years. I was a real drama queen.


Who was the one to blame? Of course the others. Stupid man X, who once again didn't get it. Or my loser boyfriend Y, who tied himself to my leg like a burr because he couldn't do anything himself. Or…


The list of my ex boyfriends and all the drama is long. Do you know that? Somehow relationships with a love partner in your life just don't work!

Or you haven't been in a real relationship for years and wish for the one... but no one appears on the horizon.

For a long time I thought there was something wrong with me. I just "can't" have a relationship! I'm too strong for the men out there! Or else: I am too much for everyone, nobody wants me! Do these thought loops sound familiar to you?

Keep calm: there is someone out there. I just know it! But first you have to take the small detour via yourself...

Do you want...

  • feel bound AND free in your relationship?

  • be strong, authentic AND vulnerable and loving?

  • finally a happy relationship after years of being single?

  • learn to communicate better in your partnership?

  • stand more by your needs and values?

  • fill in your own question here, with which you come to me


I'll find an answer together with you, I promise!

Beziehungscoaching - Traumpartner finden - Alia Barwig
Glückliche Beziehung finden. Beziehungscoaching - Traumpartner finden - Alia Barwig

EVERYTHING is possible for you!

I'm not exaggerating because: I'm in a happy relationship now. The detour into your heart can change EVERYTHING. Is it always easy? No. Is there no conflict? No. Is it possible without dealing with yourself - your wishes, your dreams, your visions? NO! But it is the most beautiful trip you can make! How? I would love to help you find YOUR way.

I invite you to find out with me how you...

  • better learn to communicate your needs

  • develop a vision for your (dream) relationship and implement it step by step

  • attract your dream partner into your life step by step

  • deal better with the so-called “negative” emotions that come with being close to another person: jealousy, anger, fear…

  • finding out your true intention and what you really want in a relationship

  • here is space for your personal wish

Sonnenaufgang Person -Beziehungscoaching - Traumpartner finden - Alia Barwig
Sonnenaufgang - Beziehungscoaching

YOU are the most important relationship in your life! Unleash love within and it will find you a thousandfold on the outside.




Do you have an acute and concrete problem in your relationship or are you looking for an  answer to a specific question? Then feel free to come to my one-on-one session. together we will find a solution for you!

150,- €

Shine Bright


Are you permanently single and would like to finally have a happy relationship? Would you like to experience more joy and lightness in your relationship? I will help you heal your relationship and get to the core of your problems!


Deep Dive


Do you need loving and continuous support on one or more issues that concern you in your relationship? Together we  dive deep into your blockages and find new solutions to "old" problems!


All coaching packages are individually tailored to you, depending on what you want to strengthen and which topic you currently have. Whether you have a specific concern or would like to rediscover your overall sparkle, feel free to contact me for a introductory call!

I coach in both German and English, payment in installments possible.



This is what clients say about my work

Kundin Connective Coaching- Erfahrungsbericht. Selbstliebe und Beziehung waren ihr Thema.

tax consultant

"During the coaching I always saw myself very well and felt supported. The various homework assignments helped me a lot with the implementation and I will continue to do some of them every day. {...] All in all, it was so much more than I had expected. Thank you for that, dear Alia! I can wholeheartedly recommend the coaching."


Carina hat ein Kommunikationstraining bei mir im Coaching absolviert. Ich konnte ihr super helfen.

Owner of Sunnyside Fasten

"Alia is a totally authentic coach. She advised me intuitively and empathetically when I had communication problems with a very good friend. Alia put the topic in appropriate words and gave me concrete, actionable tips on how to be clear, determined and can affectionately appear in the next conversation-  just great and totally recommended!"

Mein Coaching hat dieser Kundin grundlegend ein neues Lebensgefühl gegeben und zu mehr Selbstliebe geführt.

graphic designer

"Alia is a very warm person, with whom I felt 100% safe and accepted at every moment. During the coaching with her I was able to learn a lot about myself, strengthen my self-esteem and break free from negative beliefs. Thank you so much for your work and your empathy, Alia - I will definitely recommend you!"

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