I am so many things and have already done so many things in my life: Abi, studies, successful self-employment in the TV industry, various training courses, mother, partner, and now a trained and independent coach, visionary and source of inspiration. Does that say something about me? Only in parts.
First and foremost I am a seeker, a lover, a learner. I was looking for connection with life and found it IN ME. I was looking for a happy relationship - and I found it IN ME. Only then did I find my happiness outside. I love myself more deeply every day, have a healthy and happy romantic relationship and have found inner peace (well, most of the time at least ;-))
And that's exactly what I wish for you too! My mission is to remind you of your connection to yourself. To your inner radiance, your glow, your creative power: Shine bright. Be true. Be YOU.

Warum ich liebe, was ich mache!
Ich coache all das, was ich in den letzten Jahren selbst „durchgemacht“ habe und wo ich ganz bewusst meine Erfolgsprinzipien und Manifestationsstrategien eingesetzt habe: Ich habe eine glückliche Liebesbeziehung kreiert und nach über 20 Jahren erfolgreicher Selbständigkeit in der Medienbranche (als Regisseurin und Producerin) mein berufliches Umfeld gewechselt und lebe jetzt meinen Traum: Menschen zu helfen, den tieferen Sinn in den „großen“ Lebensbereichen zu finden und bewusst ein glückliches Leben zu gestalten. Denn all das ist möglich- man muss nur wissen, wie man seine Energie richtig einsetzt. Und dabei helfe ich Dir. Denn ich weiss, dass auch für Dich ein großartiges Leben möglich ist!
Und genau DAS wünsche ich mir auch für Dich! Meine Mission ist es, Dich wieder an Deine Verbundenheit mit Dir selbst zu erinnern. An Dein inneres Strahlen, Dein Leuchten, Deine Schöpferkraft: Shine bright. Be true. Be YOU.

For me, connection is the key to our healing

Since my intensive and long-term occupation with personal development, I know - and have been able to experience it myself - WHAT I was actually looking for for so long: My inner connection, my inner wisdom and love for myself. This connection has unleashed endless sources of power in me . And that's exactly what I wish for you too!
I wish you a powerful, happy and creative life and I am happy to be by your side if you want to understand yourself better, create happier relationships or lead a less stressful, more peaceful life. These three areas of life were the biggest "construction sites" in my life that I was allowed to master - and of course I am allowed to master again and again. Because life is learning and I learn & grow with passion. That's why I don't talk cabbage in your ear or theorize around in my coaching sessions, but pass on my learnings to you 1:1. Because what I can do, you can do too!
Authenticity, growth & depth

Here is a "real" person in front of you who has and had her own issues with herself and the world. I got my shit together all by myself and would like to show you ways and possibilities how YOU can do it too!

I love growth, advancement and learning. I will help you to put your topics into practice and to go your own way. Growing pains are sometimes included - but your courage is worth it!

My coaching is not a "Yes, you can do it" coaching, but it touches and changes gently and deeply. So that you can benefit from it in the long term and also be able to continue on your own path!
I am exactly the right coach & companion for you if...
... want to take action in the long term
... need courage and loving support
... are interested in the concrete implementation of your goals
... want to reduce stress and relax more
... want to integrate healthy routines into your life
... want to get out of your comfort zone
... want to grow beyond yourself and your beliefs
... need a loving kick in the ass
... are interested in a thoroughly fulfilling life
... want to get to know yourself, your thoughts, feelings, motivations and actions better and use them (even) better in everyday life

This is what clients say about my work

tax consultant
"During the coaching I always saw myself very well and felt supported. The various homework assignments helped me a lot with the implementation and I will continue to do some of them every day. {...] All in all, it was so much more than I had expected. Thank you for that, dear Alia! I can wholeheartedly recommend the coaching."

Owner of Sunnyside Fasten
"Alia is a totally authentic coach. She advised me intuitively and empathetically when I had communication problems with a very good friend. Alia put the topic in appropriate words and gave me concrete, actionable tips on how to be clear, determined and can affectionately appear in the next conversation- just great and totally recommended!"

graphic designer
"Alia is a very warm person, with whom I felt 100% safe and accepted at every moment. During the coaching with her I was able to learn a lot about myself, strengthen my self-esteem and break free from negative beliefs. Thank you so much for your work and your empathy, Alia - I will definitely recommend you!"
A Mindful Connection Trailer
Here I tell you something about the core of my work live and in color - besides that you will also get to know me a little in this short video...

I look forward to staying connected!
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